Posted in Business Venues

Christmas party etiquette part 2

We know now that people are going to get drunk at your Christmas party. You can’t prevent it, you can’t do anything about it but you need to learn how to handle people at the party who are more drunk than you and, perhaps most importantly, how to handle yourself if you have had a […]

Posted in Business Venues

Outsourced social media

I have been working on social media accounts for a long time now. I have seen them done in house and I have seen them done in outsourced environments as well. There are pros and cons to each, but today I wanted to talk about how outsourcing your social media accounts to other companies works […]

Posted in Business Venues

Business in London

A lot of things work quickly in one of the world’s most famous capitals. The cars are faster, the tubes are non stop, the people all walk a bit faster and their minds are constantly on the move. Companies are making deals, meeting people and getting things done. Whereas elsewhere people might be considering deals […]

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Posted in Business leadership, Business Venues

Getting your Event Managed in the South East

Managing an event can be a deeply rewarding and enjoyable experience but there’s so much to it and we’re going to give you a quick heads up that this entry is a bit of a long one! Whether, you are planning corporate events for the organization your work for, or even own, or if you […]

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Posted in Business Venues

What to Look for In Meeting Rooms Edinburgh

Having a good meeting room is a measure that will prepare an organization for any challenges ahead by holding strategic meetings in a comfortable place. Technically, these rooms are meant for holding events but they can also serve other purposes. If you are looking for an ideal place to hold a business conference, meeting rooms […]